Found great article on Post-Traumatic Growth by the folks at Trauma Recovery.
They state that :
The research suggests that between 30-70% of individuals who experienced trauma also report positive change and growth coming out of the traumatic experience…What is essential to keep in mind is that post traumatic growth is not a direct result of trauma but rather related to how the individual struggles as a result of the trauma.
They also make an interesting observation :
Focusing on strengths instead of weaknesses is a basic tenant of recovery, however for people who have experienced trauma this can be very difficult and part of what is wounded in the trauma. There is a tendency to see themselves as inherently weak due to their experiences. Beginning to see yourself from a strengths-based perspective is part of the process toward healing. Shifting your view of trauma as an injury shifts the perspective/belief away from “sickness” to “impact” and moves the conversation away from “what is wrong with you” to “what has happened to you”.
I would encourage you to read the entire article and visit their website, its a great resource.