No Working Title Hardcover Book is Now Available.
No Working Title Hardcover Book is Now Available and we are very excited. This new edition includes annotations and insights from theAuthor on some of the most popular and controversial pieces. This books deals with the issue of the effects of sexual abuse and pornography. It is a personal and deeply moving account of mans journey and progress towards recovery.

Here are what people are saying:
Gina P: “My husband was the victim of sexual abuse as a boy and to be completely honest, I could neither relate or understand what it was like for him. The sad part was it was tearing us apart, it nearly cost us our marriage. (No Working Title) helped me understand what it was like for him. It was something he could point to and say ‘Its like this…’
Nancy K: “Thank you, you are the bravest man I have ever met. Thank you for doing what you do and saying what you say. This isn’t just a book for men, it is a book for those of us who want to know that there is hope.”
Get your copy today from our website or from Amazon. All proceeds from the sale of the book are given to the Give Them A Voice Foundation for Advocacy, Rehabilitation and Rescue of victims of abuse.