Live Well After Trauma
#dealwithit is the perfect book for anyone who is getting up to go again, or is in the middle of the fight and just needs to hear, “You can make it.”
If you or someone you love has experienced any kind of trauma and it affects you in your daily life, #dealwithit can help you with tools to cope.
Written as a survival manual by someone who actually has Complex PTSD, #dealwithit uses plain language to describe changes in the body as a result of trauma.
In #dealwithit you will find "tools for your toolbox" of managing the impact of trauma on your life. Read a chapter today and apply it to your life tomorrow.
The recovery process is different for everyone, but #dealwithit will give you a common language to use with those close to you who want to help/understand.

About Us
We are John and Melissa King, and we help folks who want to live well, regardless of their past trauma. We wrote #dealwithit together, partially in response to a question that John gets a lot when folks learn about his past: "Why are you not MORE crazy??" No matter where you are in your journey, we believe #dealwithit can help you.
Dr. King Shares Why he Wrote #dealwithit
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Bundled with No working Title
Get them both! #dealwithit, as well as John's first book of poetry, exploring the effects of sexual abuse and porn on boys as they grow to manhood.