Famed liberal novelist visited porn sets: what he saw left him in disbelief. by Lifesitenews.com
This is a tremendous article about famed British novelist Martin Amis. Amis is also known for both speaking and writing about what he considers to be the essential nature of the Sexual Revolution, and the human misery that preceded it.
Apparently Amis visit several porno movie sites in 2001 to interview members of the industry and report on it. However what he saw changed his vie for ever. He has gone so far as to say that he believes pornography will “change human nature”.
I want to encourage to read the entire article, it is fascinating and very disturbing at the same time. I will give you some highlights.
Pornography is reshaping sexuality, as detailed in Dr. Norman Doidge’s fascinating work on the neuroplasticity of the brain. Children are accessing pornography younger and younger—the average age of first exposure is now nine—and it is serving as their sex education. That is why, in later years, pornography will often determine the nature of their sexual interactions…
Amis makes some very insightful observations :
“American porno,” Amis noted, “is market-driven. We can see what the above tells us about porno. But what does it tell us about America? And if America is more like a world than a country, what does it tell us about the world?” The answer, Amis is afraid, is nothing good. For example: “Americans spend more on strip clubs than they spend on theatre, opera, ballet, jazz and classical concerts combined.”
Porn, as Dr. Gail Dines often says, is the destroyer of culture.
The article concludes with:
Pornography has normalized virtually every sex act, poisoned the minds of men, and groomed women for sexual violence like some horrifying cyber-pimp. It has spread hatred and death, and chewed up and spat out thousands of young girls, leaving them broken and shell-shocked. It has changed the very nature of human sexuality, deforming it into something that even the first purchasers of Playboywould not recognize.
Martin Amis is concern this poison is hurting his children…as we all should.